I guess it is about time for me to start blogging again. Tomorrow will be 2 months since Patti passed. Although I have been doing pretty good for the last few weeks (not crying all the time) I have missed Patti terribly. Everything reminds me of her. The first few weeks were the worst. I cried at everything -- her pictures, her spot on the bed, her empty car seat in the vehicle (she loved car rides) and even slow songs (that had no relation to her at all). Most of my tears are tears of happiness as I think back on the extraordinary life that she had with me. I truly believe in an afterlife and that I really haven't lost my connection with her at all. It's just in a different form now.
I know others grieve as I have -- some maybe worse because of the circumstances of their beloved pet's death. Either way, a loss is a loss and it can be devastating. Below is a great post from the company that cremated Patti. They did such a beautiful job as I have Patti's ashes in a beautiful hand carved wooden urn on my nightstand. The words below just sum it all up for pet lovers everywhere. To see other great posts of theirs click here.
most of us who have lost a beloved pet, the pain from that loss is worse
than losing a human loved one. We find the grief is much more intense,
and many times we carry guilt for that. The bond that we have with our
pets is the purest form of love. We have no fear of what they think of
us, and they are always there for us - through thick and thin. They are
more than happy to see us if we come in the door 50 times a day. We
don't get this kind of love and reaction to our presence from humans,
and when we no longer have that to count on, we become devastated. It is
very normal to intensely grieve after pet loss" - Good Shepherd Pet Services.
Here are a few of my favorite quotes and poems for sad moments. Hope you get as much comfort out of them as I have.
I made this, feel free to use. :-) |
(My Favorite!) I made this, feel free to use. :-) |
I made this, feel free to use. :-) |
Also, a great book to read for further help with the grieving process of your beloved pet is
Animals In Spirit by Penelope Smith. I read it years ago and picked it back up again after Patti's passing. I got mine at
Barnes and Noble but I think you can get it at Amazon too. I have purchased a few copies and gave to friends who have lost pets and they all have really liked the book as well. I did a blog post on it which you can read
To all of those who are grieving, like me, my heart goes out to you. You are not alone.
I am so sorry for your loss ...I know there's not much to ease the pain, but we are sending lots of support across the miles.
Run free, Patti
Thank you so very much sweet Mr. Pip (sniffle. sniffle). We can already feel the love over here that you are sending. :-)
Waggy Tails and Puppy Kisses,
Tina and The Park Avenue Chihuahua Crew
Aw, honey I know it's been soo horrible for you but you know your life was better as was hers for sharing it together and I totally agree with you that you will one day see her again. We think about you guys all the time and I was soooo happy to see you post again!! Those were beautiful words you shared! I still miss Zaya and probably always will but now I look at Max and realize Zaya would be sooo happy I finally decided to share my heart again and I know you have those other beautiful babies who need and love their Mom a bunch!!! Hugs my very special little friend!! So happy to see you again! I missed you!!!
And we understand how you are feeling too,, and we wish we could make you better.
We sit right beside you as your heart hurts,, we reach out for your hand- so please take mine, and let your heart heal.
We like the Dr. Suess saying
Benny & Lily
Thank you so very much Liz/Max and Tweedles for your very kind words. We are so blessed to have sweet blogging friends like you. We can definitely feel the love. Thank you. :-)
Waggy Tails and Puppy Kisses,
Tina and The Park Avenue Chihuahua Crew
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