Summer is near, which means fun in the water for you but not necessarily for your pet. Did you know that more than 170,000 dogs, cats and other small animals drown every year? Most people don't realize that while the majority of animals can swim, they can't necessarily get out by themselves!
Many pet owners try to protect their pet by training them to swim to the pool steps to get out of the water. This works fine in a daylight, non-threatening environment, but at night or if panicked, a dog will panic and forget it's "landmark." Animals can't see the steps for the very simple reason that they are under the water.
Pet drownings are preventable! To help prevent such senseless accidents, install a ramp in your pool, to your boat or floating dock. A lightweight, durable and easily installed ramp, such as a Skamper Ramp, will ensure your pooch or kitty can easily exit the water. To learn more about Skamper Ramp's and how they can save animals lives then click here.
Stop Animal Drowning! Install a ramp today. Skamper Ramp's cost from $65 - $99. It could be the best money you ever spend. :-)