I wrote this very special "
Blog The Change" post about a rescue that is near and dear to my heart -
Noah's Arks Rescue. They are an animal rescue organization that I follow and support that is made up of volunteers (no paid staff at all). They are an AMAZING group of people who are Guardian Angels to those animals in need (most which are extreme abuse cases).
Jendar, a 4mth old puppy so sick they couldn't tell she was a dog. |
Noah's Arks Animal Rescue is a group of individuals working to end the senseless killing of innocent animals in shelters across the country, They supply emergency medical and surgical care to abused animals. They are not a shelter. The only animals they foster are the ones in their surgical program. They focus on animals that depend on Noah's Arks Rescue to fight for their right to life. Please consider donating to this great cause and help those who cannot help themselves.
Chuck - appeared to have been dragged behind a car. |
If you are considering a companion animal, please contact Noah's Arks Rescue. If you cannot adopt but would like to help, consider becoming a foster parent or make a donation. All donations (100%) go toward saving the life of an animal that has been abused or severely neglected.
Noah's Arks Rescue is 100% funded by your donations. Without generous people, they could not help all the animals they do. They are the last ray of hope for the animals they rescue. Noah's Arks Rescue takes in those that society has forgotten. All of the donations go to this cause. They are volunteers and do not take any funds for their service. Their reward is seen in the eyes of the animals they help. Please, help them, by donating and/or spreading the word about this awesome rescue organization. All donations are tax deductible.
To learn more about them, to donate or help their cause then click
I'll finish with one of my favorite quotes in the whole world...."Be The Change You Wish To See In the World." - Gandhi
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