Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy HOWL'O'WEEN!!!!

Who's a cute little baby punkin? Patti Marie that's "whoooo"! :-)
Hi everyone! Well, I am still sick. I found out that I have walking pneumonia and whooping cough. What the heck? I knew I felt like I was dying. Well, I am feeling a little better than the last week but not 100% yet. I had to do a post on Halloween though.

Unfortunately, we won't be going all out like we usually do tonight. We love decorating our home like a haunted house with fog machines, graveyards, spooky decorations and this really cool cemetery archway with a grim reaper and all. The kids of the neighborhood love it and we love seeing smiles on the kids faces.  Our pups have a great time too! Oh, they just bark up a storm and are so proud of themselves for protecting the house. :-)

We would like to wish all of you an enchantingly fun and safe Halloween! :-)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sick As A Dog!

Hi everyone! Sorry, I haven't been blogging much lately. I caught some kind of cold/flu/something really bad early last week and have been in bed feeling half dead and very sick! I haven't felt this bad in a really long time. :-( 

Hopefully, I will start feeling better soon and will be able to return to the blogging world. Until then, please say some prayers that I feel better soon. My sweet pups have been so wonderful. They are so loyal and have been by my side the entire time taking care of me. Now that is love! :-)

~ Tina

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

One Word For You....Pitiful!

Pitiful Sadie wif a "boo-boo" on her paw!

Here's our sweet little Sadie (a.k.a. - Say Say) with a gimpy paw. Poor little thing. She did something to it the day before yesterday which caused her skin between her paw to split. Then to make matters worse she licked it to death and now has irritated her skin above her paw. If anyone has ever split their skin between their toes or fingers then you know how bad it hurts. Ouch!

Every time I would put medicine on it she'd lick it right off. She would do the whole "I pretending I don't see u momma" thing. She's a terrier so she is stubborn like a little mule. I threatened her with an E-Collar last night and she started bucking like a bronco. Gesh Sadie, c'mon! So I gave in, gave her some pain medicine and we all went to bed.

This morning she started the whole "I'm so pitiful. See me limping. Yes, I will still lick off any medicine you put on my paw even if I know it will delay healing" look. So I did what any good mommy would do....I held her down, put medicine on the paw and wrapped it up like a Christmas present. Needless to say, she was not amused. She then proceeded (with her eyes) to tell me that she would be demanding more cookies for all her troubles. What a little character. She could be a Hollywood doggie for sure! Well, we have been to the fabulous Beverly Hills Mutt Club. BOL! :-)

This post is linked to:

Tuesday Tag-Along

Monday, October 18, 2010

Pet Howl-o-ween Safety and Awesome Halloween Artists Blogs

You can buy this from Cat & Fiddle
Okay, I know the first part of my post doesn't have anything to do with pooches but I just had to spread the word about these totally (and I mean totally) awesome blogs. Each person's blog is an artist who hand makes all of their work. They all have one thing in is all about Halloween. These artists have "mad skills" for sure. I love it all! :-)

I love Halloween and not in a creepy way. I love decorating the house and yard in cute festive things. I love getting the pups involved with cute outfits. I also set up a window seat where my fur babies have a bird's eye view of all the trick-or-treater's so they can feel like they are a part of it all too!

I don't dare just let them loose in the house while I open the front door numerous times to pass out candy. Not that our pups would try to run away...they wouldn't dream of it. It is the children I worry about. Two years ago, a few children ran in our house uninvited and busted through the baby gate (which I put up for safety) letting loose a dog we were fostering - who got out and almost got hit by a car. Over 45 minutes later, my husband returns safely with Sydney (the foster dog). He told me that he was almost hit by a car trying to catch her. Gesh!

Since then I put our pups in my husband office (which faces the front yard) and open a window (or just the blinds) for all of them to see out of...much safer. His office has french doors which opens into the foyer so they can still see me as well.

It is so important for us to keep our fur babies safe. They don't know any better. Click here for some great tips for a Pet-Safe Halloween from Home Again! :-)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Smiles

Sadie says "Where's My Honey Pot?"

Happy Sunday everyone! As we get closer to Halloween Sadie is getting more and more excited. She loves trying on her Halloween costumes. Can't you tell? BOL! :-D

We hope that you had a wonderful weekend and that you have an amazing week to come! :-)

Waggy Tails and Puppy Kisses,

The Park Avenue Chihuahua Crew

Friday, October 15, 2010

Blog The Change for Noah's Arks Rescue!

I wrote this very special "Blog The Change" post about a rescue that is near and dear to my heart - Noah's Arks Rescue. They are an animal rescue organization that I follow and support that is made up of volunteers (no paid staff at all). They are an AMAZING group of people who are Guardian Angels to those animals in need (most which are extreme abuse cases).

Jendar, a 4mth old puppy so sick they couldn't tell she was a dog.
Noah's Arks Animal Rescue is a group of individuals working to end the senseless killing of innocent animals in shelters across the country, They supply emergency medical and surgical care to abused animals. They are not a shelter. The only animals they foster are the ones in their surgical program. They focus on animals that depend on Noah's Arks Rescue to fight for their right to life. Please consider donating to this great cause and help those who cannot help themselves.

Chuck - appeared to have been dragged behind a car.
If you are considering a companion animal, please contact Noah's Arks Rescue. If you cannot adopt but would like to help, consider becoming a foster parent or make a donation. All donations (100%) go toward saving the life of an animal that has been abused or severely neglected.

Noah's Arks Rescue is 100% funded by your donations. Without generous people, they could not help all the animals they do. They are the last ray of hope for the animals they rescue. Noah's Arks Rescue takes in those that society has forgotten. All of the donations go to this cause. They are volunteers and do not take any funds for their service. Their reward is seen in the eyes of the animals they help. Please, help them, by donating and/or spreading the word about this awesome rescue organization. All donations are tax deductible.

To learn more about them, to donate or help their cause then click here

I'll finish with one of my favorite quotes in the whole world...."Be The Change You Wish To See In the World." - Gandhi

This post is linked to and in honor of:
Blog the Change

Click on any blog from the link list below to see what other bloggers' passionately wrote about as their favorite cause. Let's spread the word about Be The Change (Blog The Change). There are some great causes out there! :-)

Blog The Change for Be The Change Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happy Birthday D'Angelo and Macy Gray!!!!

Happy Birthday or shall I say "Happy Rescue Day" to my beloved fur babies! Five years ago today, I got D'Angelo from the Greenville Humane Society. He is such a precious, funny, loyal and sweet little baby boy. I can't imagine life without him.

Alex rescued Macy on the streets from near death over 9 years ago. Since he can't remember the exact date in October that he got her we have decided to combine their birthday's (ahem, rescue days) to the same day.

They have brought such happiness and love into our lives. I have always felt that they rescued us instead of the other way around. Life would be so dull and empty without them. Today has been a day of fun and frolic. We had a great time at the beautiful park downtown. This afternoon mommy will make some doggie (hypoallergenic) birthday cake and then all the pups will open presents. Yay!

I love doing things that make our pooches happy and joyful. I don't know if I could ever give them as much joy as they give me but I am sure going to try. :-)

Happy Birthday my sweet babies! Mommy loves you!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday Smiles

Happy Sunday everyone! Even though my Chihuahua's aren't the shaky, nervous kind, I've always gotten a kick out of this cartoon. Chihuahua (and many small dog) owners can definitely relate. :-)

If you like the cartoon and want to see more then click here to purchase Gary Larson's Far Side Gallery 5 book.

Photo Source:

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Great Time at the Blessing of the Animals Service

Alex and I took our pups to the Blessing of the Animals service at St. Andrews Episcopal Church on Sunday, Oct. 3rd. We had the most awesome time (as we do every year). Past years have been a bit chaotic getting all the pups in the vehicle, driving downtown for the service and trying to watch all 4 of them while they get so excited around all the other animals but it is so very worth it. Our fur babies love it! :-)

Our pups were on their best behavior this year. It helped that we got there early and let them run around first so they could get used to everything.

Father Trey was wonderful and lead a great service. All the animals waited patiently as he made his way around, blessing each and every one of them. I loved seeing all the other animals and the smiles on their and their pet parents faces.

Here are some pics of our fur babies getting blessed....

Momma holding D'Angelo and Patti in the stroller - getting petted before the blessing.

D'Angelo and Patti been blessed.

Daddy, Macy and Sadie. Macy being blessed while Sadie waits patiently.

Sadie being blessed. She is such a ham....she eats up the attention. :-)

Here are some pics of the event and other animals getting blessed.....

Sadie getting some love from a little girl. Both of them are too cute! :-)

Sadie working the room. She is very social.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy Friday!

Hi everyone! Happy first day of October! :-) I have to say that October is my favorite month of the year. Not only is it because it is my birthday month but because I am in love with Fall. The crisp cool weather, the gorgeous changing of the leaves, crackling fires in our fireplace, apple cider and mulling spice and fall festivities are some of my favorite things.

I couldn't wait until Halloween to share this adorable picture of our Sadie. Warm fall wishes to everyone!  :-)

This post is linked to:

New Friend Fridays



My Wee View